Property and Evidence

The Property and Evidence Custodian is responsible for holding all evidence, safekeeping property, and found property for the Fruitland Police Department.

To claim found property, proof of ownership must first be established by a law enforcement officer.

Property being held as evidence can only be released 42 days after charges on the associated event is adjudicated in court.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is safekeeping property? Safekeeping property is an item that is being held for the owner by an officer. This may be property that was in your possession when you were arrested or items left behind at an accident scene. The Property and Evidence Custodian will hold these items for a period of time until the owner can claim them.

I think you have my property; can I get it back? We are able to return property, once we can positively identify the owner. Items being held for found/safekeeping will be stored under your name. You must show a picture ID to claim the property.

How long do you hold a found item? All items are held for 6 months. If an owner cannot be identified, the property is sold at auction or disposed of.

When and where can I pick up my property? Check in at the Records Desk at the Fruitland Police Department at 200 S. Whitley Drive, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Is property being used as evidence ever returned to the owner? All property being used as evidence by the Fruitland Police Department must be released by an officer, detective, prosecutor or judge before it can be returned to the owners. All evidence is stored in a safe place until it is no longer needed in a case. If you have questions about your property being held as evidence, contact the Records Desk at the Fruitland Police Department.

For more information, contact the Fruitland Police Department at (208) 452-3001.