Police Department
The Fruitland City Police Department is a full service agency that provides twenty-four hour police service to the citizens of Fruitland. Uniform officers respond and investigate all reported crimes, code enforcement violations, traffic complaints and other requests for public assistance.
CodeRED delivers notification through a high speed telephone calling system to phone numbers in the CodeRED database. A pre-recorded message will be sent with information about an incident and possibly instructions for action to be taken.
For further information, please visit or you may call 208-642-6006 extension 2.
Letter of Agency (Criminal Law Arrest Authorization)
As many of you are aware, the City of Fruitland is experiencing growth like we have never seen before. With that growth and the growth of our neighboring communities we are also experiencing higher levels of criminal activity. Less restrictive laws and regulations in the State of Oregon have also led to this increase. As a result, we are hoping to implement this proactive program to assist us in better serving the needs of this community. The intention of this program is not to make the Fruitland Police Department a personnel security service, but to assist in protecting your property after hours when you or your representatives are not on scene.
As it stands right now, Officers would still need reasonable suspicion at a minimum to stop and speak to subjects on your property at night absent this document. With this document we would be able to actively contact these people and not only identify them but trespass them if they have no legitimate reason to be there (i.e. digging through your dumpster, or attempting to panhandle, etc.) There are obviously some businesses that may be open well into the evening such as Bank ATM’s and Gas Stations, and we would still need to verify that legitimate business was not being conducted before taking action, however a person walking around a car lot at 0200 in the morning is likely not “shopping”. If you have any questions please contact myself or Chief Huff at the Fruitland Police Department. Thank you for your time.